bassinet vs crib

Bassinet vs Crib: A Guide to Choosing the Right Fit for Your Baby’s Needs

From the first few precious weeks to the early years of childhood, Bassinet vs Crib: The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Perfect Sleeping Haven for Your Little One's Comfort, Safety, and Sweetest Dreams!

By ahmed
8 Min Read

Bassinet vs Crib, which one to choose?

Most new parents are confused when it comes to choosing between Bassinet & Crib.

Bassinets are ideal for safe sleeping as they are smaller, portable, and more accessible than cribs. They also reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) when co-sleeping.

However, bassinets have weight limits and should only be used for up to four months as they may not provide enough support for babies afterward.

In contrast, cribs offer a more spacious sleeping area for growing babies, and they are available in various sizes, materials, and designs to suit different budgets.

Unlike bassinets, cribs are more stable and can last for years with proper maintenance.

Bassinet vs Crib: How to choose?

Regarding Bassinet vs. Crib, the best decision is based on your individual needs.

If you are looking for a long-term solution or something more permanent, then a crib is the way to go.

However, a bassinet is a great choice if you need a portable option for co-sleeping or moving your baby around.

1. Safety

Your top priority should always be safety when selecting items for infants or small children. Bassinets and cribs that comply with ASTM International safety standards are deemed safe for babies.

To enhance safety, bassinets should always be kept away from windows or other sources of heat and cold.

Cribs should also be regularly checked for stability, and all hardware, screws, and bolts must always be tightened.

2. Price

Bassinets tend to be more affordable than cribs as they have a shorter lifespan and are usually smaller in size.

Cribs can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the model, materials, and features.

On average, bassinets cost between $50 to $400, while cribs can range from $100 to $1000 based on their type and features.

3. Room space

Always look for something that makes your life easier. Bassinets are a great option when you have multiple children in the same room or a smaller space.

Cribs are a better option for larger spaces as they allow your baby to grow and move around.

Additional Considerations

There are many factors to consider when choosing between a bassinet and crib, including the size and height of your baby, sleeping patterns, portability, convenience, and ease of cleaning.

Bassinets are great for co-sleeping and portability but may not be suitable for long-term use.

Cribs are great for long-term use and safety but may be more expensive and less portable.


The assembly of the bassinet and crib is also important to consider before making the purchase.

Bassinets often come pre-assembled, while cribs will require assembly. Also, bassinets are usually smaller and need less space than cribs.

The choice between a bassinet and a crib is a personal decision that depends on your needs. Bassinets are portable and safe for newborns up to four months, while cribs offer stability and a long-term sleeping solution.


Bassinets can be easily moved around the house as they are lightweight and compact.

Cribs are generally bulkier and heavier, making them harder to move around.

However, bassinets are more portable with wheels or casters and can be easily transported between rooms. They can also be folded and stored in suitcases, making them ideal for traveling.

Cribs, on the other hand, are less convenient for traveling and may require disassembly or a larger vehicle for transport.


The average size of bassinets is about 30 inches long and up to 15 inches wide.

Cribs are much larger, often measuring around 53-75 inches long and 28-34 inches wide.

Bassinets are ideal for smaller spaces or apartments, while cribs require more space.


Cleanliness is always important when caring for your baby.

Bassinets come with removable bedding and fabric that can be taken apart and washed regularly in the machine.

However, cribs also require regular cleanings and should be wiped down with a damp cloth.

What's the difference between Bassinet & Crib?

Bassinets are smaller, more affordable, and easily moved around the house. While, cribs are larger, more expensive, and require more space.

Furthermore, cribs provide more space for long-term use and growth, while bassinets come pre-assembled and are easier to clean than cribs

When choosing between a bassinet and a crib, consider your needs and preferences such as size, convenience, portability, and safety.


Q. How long can I use the bassinet?

Bassinets are great for the first four months of your baby’s life as they are smaller and provide a safe, portable sleeping environment.

Q. How big is a Bassinet compared to a Crib?

Bassinets are smaller at 30 x 15 inches, ideal for smaller spaces or apartments, while cribs are much larger at 53-75 x 28-34 inches and require more space.

Q. Is a Bassinet or Crib safer for my baby?

Bassinets and Cribs prioritize your baby’s safety, but Bassinets are best for the first few months and are more portable, while Cribs offer more stability and space.

Q. Are Bassinets easy to clean?

Yes, bassinets are generally easier to clean than cribs as they require less effort. Bassinets come with removable bedding and fabric that can be taken apart and washed regularly in the machine.

Q.  Can I Leave My Newborn In A Bassinet Alone?

Avoid leaving your newborn unattended in a bassinet for extended periods. They are meant for short naps and should always be supervised by a parent or guardian. Also, don’t place bassinets on elevated surfaces to prevent accidents.


Bassinets and cribs have their own pros and cons. Bassinets are more portable, while Cribs offer more stability, space, and long-term use.

Ultimately, choosing between them is a personal decision based on your needs. Consider all factors before making your purchase.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article has helped guide your Bassinet vs. Crib decision.