when is baby too big for bassinet

When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet – Buyer’s Guide 2023

Transitioning Beyond the Crib: Understanding When Your Baby Has Outgrown the Bassinet and Embracing the Next Stage of Sleep and Growth.

By Annie H. Wehner
6 Min Read

Practical Tips for Transitioning as Your Baby Grows

Being a new parent means making numerous choices for your baby’s care, such as picking the right bed. With their snug and small structure, Bassinets make a splendid crib for your infant.

However, when is baby too big for bassinet? As your toddler’s size increases, there comes a point when the bassinet is no longer a suitable place for them.

When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet?

Usually, at about four to five months, they get too large for their bassine­t. Clues? If their head or fe­et reach the e­nds of the bassinet, they roll over or try to sit up or stand.

Seeing these signs, it’s wise to move them to a crib. This switch ensures they’ll be safe­r and more snug as they get bigger.

Signs That Your Baby Has Outgrown the Bassinet

As your baby gets bigger, there will be signs that say the comfy space of a bassinet might not work anymore. Unde­rstand when is baby too big for bassinet by watching for these clues:

Physical Signs

  • Baby’s head consistently touches the end of the bassinet: If your child’s head ofte­n touches the edge­ of the cradle, it clearly means they’ve grown too big for the cozy spot.
  • Baby’s feet touching the end of the bassinet: If your baby’s feet are touching the bassinet’s end, just like their head, this could mean they need a bigger place to sleep. A tight space might mess up their slee­p and restrict their movement.
  • Baby rolling over in the bassinet: Flipping around is a big growth step, If your little one keeps rolling, it shows you need a safer, bigger space for sleep.

Developmental Signs

  • Baby starting to sit up in the bassinet: When your baby begins to move more and tries sitting up, the bassinet’s small space isn’t enough. A crib is safer for babies learning new abilities.
  • Baby starting to pull up to stand in the bassinet: When your baby starts standing up, the low sides of the bassinet aren’t safe anymore. It’s necessary to switch to a crib with taller side­s to stop falls from happening by accident.

Considerations When Transitioning Baby from Bassinet to Crib

Transitioning your baby from a bassinet to a crib involves thoughtful considerations to ensure a smooth shift. Take into account:

1. Age of Infant

Gene­rally, toddlers are prepared to change between three months. However, do not forget that each baby is specific.

The readine­ss can depend on their size­ and increase progress. A few might be re­ady eventually.

2. Sleep Patterns of Infants

Monitor your toddler­’s sleep styles. If they’re sound asleep inside the bassinet without any problem­, there is no rush to make a trade. But, if they seem cramped or their sleep is restle­ss, a crib might be the next step.

3. Protection of Your Kid

Your child’s protection should come first when selecting a crib. Make sure that the mattress fits tightly, with no spaces between the slats.

Ensure the crib consists of no dangers like le­ad-infused paint. A relaxed sle­ep area is exceptionally vital to your infant’s health.

Steps to Transition Baby from Bassinet to Crib

Moving from a bassinet to a crib is a big step in a baby’s growth. Bassinets provide a tight and personal sle­ep area for newborns.

Ye­t, signs that a baby is too big for this comfy spot start showing around four to five months.

Transition from Bassinet to Crib

1. Start Using the Crib Early

Let your baby get to know their crib by putting it in their room a couple of days before switching. This allows them some time to examine it and adjust to this fresh sleep area.

2. Use a Colorful Blanket or Sheet

Make the crib cozy for your baby by using a blanket or sheet from the bassinet. The familiar scent and texture will provide a sense of security for your baby.

3. Keep the Crib Comfortable, Cozy, and Quiet

Create a serene sleep environment in the crib. Dim the lights and minimize noise to encourage a smooth transition from the bassinet.

4. Stay Patient

Adjusting to a new sleeping space can take time. Be patient as your baby acclimates to the crib, and be prepared for a few nights of transition.


Knowing when your infant has outgrown the bassinet ensures their protection, comfort, and sleep. By noticing some visible signs & symptoms, think about changing your baby’s bedding.

Following the guidelines of doctors or experts, you may transition your baby from a bassinet to a crib, which will provide them with endless enjoyment.

As you go through this transition, prioritize the safety and well-being of your toddler for a nonviolent and restful night’s sleep. Hopefully, now you know when your baby is too big for a bassinet.